Fallen Heroes ShareWare Version as of Saturday, September 07, 1996 Installation: Shareware: To begin you must have all the heroes files (fallen.exe, heroes2.zip, heroes3.zip, heroes4.zip, heroes5.zip, heroes6.zip) located in the same place. Type "Fallen". When the file is finished extracting, type "install". Follow the instructions for choosing a drive to install the program to. The shareware version needs a great deal of hard drive space, about 125 megs. If you register your copy, the amount will be reduced to about 30 to 40 megs on the hard drive and 500+ megs on the cd-rom. Note: If you install to a drive that is running disk compression of any kind, game play will be slowed and the amount of installation space will be greatly increased. Note: The shareware version will run slower than the cd registered version. This is due to the sheer number of files placed on the hard drive and how they are handled by the hard drive, this is corrected when run from the registered cd-rom version. Machine Requirements: Minimums: 486 DX2/66, 8 MB, SVGA, Mouse, 150 MB free HD. Premium Performance: Pentium 100+ , 16 MB+, Sound Card , Printer, Smartdrive settings (4096 + ) System Setup: In order to run the program you must exit Windows to Dos, not a Dos prompt. If running Windows 95, shutdown to Dos mode. Note: The program is a 32 bit MS-Dos game, and will nut run from Windows. Check your available memmory by typing "MEM" at your prompt. If the largest executionable is at leat 580k+ the should run, less than that and you will have to run "Memmaker" or "Qemm" or other memory manager to get more lower memory free. We highly reccommend setting up a 4 meg smartdrive (smartdrv 4096 ). If you do'nt know how the program will check to see if you have one allocated, if not the game will load a 2 meg version. (smartdrv 2048 ). Status: This product is provided as ShareWare , it can be Freely Distibuted, Contact: A&B Entertainment at, a-benter@primenet.com or visit our site at http://www.primenet.com/~a-benter Known Errors: 1) DPMI 32 module cannot be run on Win32. Exit Windows, program will not run from Windows or a Dos prompt. 2) Games locks will running in fast mode (F3). On some machines we have found that this will happen based on memmory allocation and drivers being loaded during boot up. This can also be caused by a Cmos setting that enables VGA Palette Snooping. 3) On some pentiums in cmos if PCI-Bursting is on the game may lock up or bail out. 4) Some Sound Blaster sound card clones may not auto-detect during installation, manually select Sound Blaster or Sound Blaster 16. 5) Some Trident brand video cards during video setup when installing the game may cause the screen to distort, press Enter and test this should correct the problem, if not select the last setting, Vesa Compliant and that should do the trick 6) If your game won't load or seems to bail and you are using Windows 95 after exiting to Dos Mode, reset the machine and when it says Starting Windows, press the F8 key, and select Command Prompt Only, this sould help. Note: If you start using the F8 key when you get a prompt, type "dosstart", this will load your CD-Rom and mouse drivers in most cases. If you encounter any problems please E-Mail us at "a-benter@primenet.com". If you have any suggestions E-Mail or or visit or site at "http://primenet.com/~a-benter". Disclaimer: Fallen Heroes is supplied as is. The author assumes no liability for damage, direct or consequential, which may result from the use or installation of Fallen Heroes. No warranties of any kind (including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), express or implied, are made as to it or any medium it may be on. Our entire liability and your exclusive remedy is such replacemet (registered versions only) and under no cicumstances will we provide any other remedy direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive, incidental or other damages arrising from it, including such from negligence, strict liability, or breach of warrenty or contract, even after notice of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow exclusions or limitations of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so this may not apply to buyers of the program. This gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Main Menu The following buttons are located on the main menu Resume : Takes you back into the current game in progress. If a game has not been started this feature is inactive. Load : The load button is used to load saved games. You may cycle thru the available selections using the arrow buttons and make your selection using the select button. Save : Saves the current game in progress. A menu allows you to enter a name for the saved game. Pre-Game : The pre-game menu allows for the selection of scenarios, custom, or campaign. Build/Load Maps: These options allow for the selection of pre-generated maps or the design of new maps for use in the current game. Scenario : These are one time battles that everything is setup except for your army. A short description tells of the army and terrain you will face along with the point value the opposing army will consist of. Campaign : Available only is the registered version. Campaign allows you to play a long series of battles against varies opponents. During the campaign your custom army can gain and lose troops depending on how well you lead your men. Demo Mode: To enter Demo Mode leave game sit on Main Menu for about 1 minute, the game will then enter Demo Mode. To exit Demo Mode press any key, after the current units move has ended the game will return to normal. Opponents : Local, Two people playing at same terminal. Null Modem/Modem, Your opponent is on a remote computer. (Available in registered version) Game Length: This is the number of game hours the battle can last. Victory Settings: The amount of points a side can lose before the battle will end. This can be set to 40/50/60/70/80/unlimited expressed as a percentage of points. Music : Sets the volume of the game music, from 0% to 100%. Sound Effects : Sets the volume of the sound effect from 0% to 100%. Set Game Points : This is the number of points that can been selected to purchase an army with. This starts at 1,000 and goes to 50,000 points. Time of Day : This is the time when the battle will start, It is expressed in military hours (13:00 being 1:00 pm). Set Up Area : Bottom, Top, Left, Right. This is the area that player 1 will place his units during setup. Player 2 will place opposite. Army Options : Player 1/Player 2, Allows for the selection of saved armies of Same Level, Any Level, Create or Custom ( Custom only in registered version ) to be used in the current game. Each of these selections are dependant on the Game Points selected for battle. Create is the only exception, This allows the creation of a new army. Resume : Continues a game in progress Start Game : Begins a new game with current settings. Abort Options : Resets the options and ends any game in progress General Note: Most Settings in the Pre-Game Menu can be changed even after a game has been started, allowing the for players to change sides adjust difficulty level, etc.,. Line of Site: All, Normal, Friendly All, Allows you to see all units on the map that are in the area of the moving unit. Normal, Allows for only the current units LOS to be visible. Friendly, Allows all units in active players army are visible. Turn Length : The value listed valued is in seconds, this is the amount a time you have to move each unit. This value can be set manually also, we recommend 60 to 90 seconds for most players. Combat Modifiers : Can be set from -50 to +50. This Value when positive adds to a units success when attacking, negative makes hitting harder. Difficulty Level : This is the level that the player will play the game at. Note the computer always plays with it's level set to the hardest. The following are general templates for player settings any option may be modified to suit the player. Regardless of the settings chosen the computer never actually gets to see all it's opponents troops, only the ones in current line of sight are visible to it. Page : Easiest Level, designed to get accustomed to the game. While this setting is selected the player has unlimited time to move and can see all friendly as well as enemy target on the map and watch them move. Squire : Allows 2 minutes to move your unit. All units on both sides are visible to human players. Knight : Allows 90 seconds to move your unit. All Friendly units are visible to human players, but you can only see your opponents troops if you have LOS to them. Lord : Allows 70 seconds to move your unit. Only those troops in the current units LOS are visible , Friendly or Foe. King : Allows 60 seconds to move your unit. Only those troops in the current units LOS are visible , Friendly or Foe. Custom : This is a result of modification to any setting from any of the previous options. Modem Menu : Only available in registered version. Charts : The charts are to allow the players to see what is happening in the game. Surviving units : Number of total units still active . Spell Casting Success Rate : How successful the wizard spells have been. Points Total Remaining : Represents the remaining points the army has left in men . Note: Points remaining is the most critical, this is what victory and defeat are based on . Start Game : If "pre-defined" map was selected for the "Build/Load Map" options , a list of available maps for selection will come up.If "Custom" map was selected the map builder utility will load up. Map Construction: Use the mouse to select and place map pieces. Left click for a section then move the mouse to the playing field a left click to place terrain. Use the next and previous buttons to scroll thru available terrain pieces. When the map is complete select "exit" you will be asked if you want to save the map for future use. If yes type in the name you wish to call it , if no the map will only be used for current battle. ESC: This key will back you out at any point up to where unit placement begins, allowing you to make any changes that you may have missed or decided against. Recruitment When prompted each player will have to select a primary army to create a custom army. Scroll thru the list of available armies and select carefully. If you change your mind press the Esc key to select again. Your Primary army will consist of the bulk of your forces, you may have allies but these constitute a much smaller amount of the point total (about 33%). Each primary army has a different list of possible allies that may be recruited. Use the Next and Previous buttons to scroll, and the Select button to choose. Once you have selected the primary army you can begin to purchase your troops. Use the Allies Button to select your allies and the Primary Button to return you to your primary army list. Points : This is the cost of the currently selected unit. Points Remaining : This is the remaining points to purchase units with. (Note: this differs for primary and allies.) Army List : Unit Type : This is the name of the current unit. # : This is the total of troops in this unit. Armor Type : Can be None, Light, or Heavy worn by the unit. Note: Some allies cannot be outfitted differently. Weapon : The type of weapons carried. (Note : Some creatures have natural weapons, claws , breath and fangs.) Cost : The units cost in points. Next : Used to scroll the list forward. Previous : Used to scroll the list backwards. Delete : Used to delete the selected unit from list and return it's points to Points Remaining total. Edit : Used to edit equipment and numbers etc.., of selected unit. ESC: This key will back you out at any point up to where unit placement begins, allowing you to make any changes that you may have missed or decided against. Units Weapons: 1 handed : Weapons carried in one hand, clubs swords, natural claws etc.,. 2 handed: Weapons carried using 2 hands, Axes, Swords, etc.,. Polearms: Large pole mounted weapons with various blades, Spears, etc.,. Bows: Small bows used in close combat, short ranged. Long Bows : Large bows long ranged used for infantry and cavalry support. Crossbows : Medium range hard hitting missile weapons, slow to use. Slings : Skirmish weapon, used in close combat. Pistols : Short ranged hard hitting , very slow. Arquebus : Medium range hardest hitting missile weapon , very slow. Armor : No Armor: No modifications. Light Armor : This slightly enhances defense, low cost. Heavy Armor : The best defense enhancement, hinders movement. Shields : Enhances defense, a low cost plus for most troops. Unit Types : Footman : Standard unit type, ground movement. Note: Some creatures are also listed in this category. Light Cavalry : These are ground troop support and scout units, fast movement. Heavy Cavalry : These are shock troops able to slug it out with the best. Wizard : Primary army can in most cases select a wizard, casts spells and is needed to summon creature (allies). General : He is the key to success or failure, high stats lead better, while low stats cost less. Used to rally troops and inspire them to attack. Unit Info Quality : This is a measure of the units fighting capabilities. +/- Keys : Used to increase or decrease the number of troops in a unit. Attack : This is the units base attack value, this will be changed by many conditions. Defense : This is the units base defense value, it is also subject to change. Health : Represents the units current healthiness and ability to continue to fight represented by a percentage from 0 to 100%. Magic Mod : This is the races inherent ability to cast spells. (Note: Only for wizards) Initiative : This is the base number that will modify the units score, higher the sooner it will act. Note: This stat is effected by Fatigue, Morale, Health, Spells and Armor. Movement : This is a number of movement points the unit has. Quality : Overall Battle experience. Mindless, Unsteady, Militia, Regular, Veteran, Elite, Guard. Morale : Current state of the unit mentally, can range from Terrified to Berserk. Spell Resistance : The units inherent ability to resist spells being cast on it, displayed in a percentage. Time Mod : If the unit has a disability to fight during certain lighting conditions, morning/day or evening/night. Move Type : This can be Ground, Fly or None. Unit Size: Number of troops in unit. Fatigue : This is a percentage of how tired the unit is , as they get tired they preform at lower levels of success. Troop: Race, or type of creature. Unit: Collection of 1 or more troops. Generals Command : This effects the generals leadership abilities, Incompetent, Respected, Decorated, Brilliant, Glorious. Generals Charisma : This effects the troops morale ratings. Despicable, Average, Charismatic, Heroic, Inspiring. Wizards Spells : Displays total number of spells purchased and also if pressed displays his spell book to cast from. Wizard Mastery : This is the casters level of experience, Acolyte, Magician, Conjurer, Sorcerer, Wizard, the higher the level the more powerful the spells (Note : Casting spells, higher level spells are more powerful but also are more difficult to cast.) Siege Weapons : Balista : This weapon is medium ranged, hits hard, and penetrates 2 ranks deep. Catapult : Medium ranged, area effect weapon, hits hardest in target space, light damage to surrounding spaces. Onager : Large long range weapon, non-mobile and large area of effect. Rockets : The most deadly weapon, long range, large area saturation effect. ESC: This key will back you out at any point up to where unit placement begins, allowing you to make any changes that you may have missed or decided against. Pinting Army: To print your army when prompted, make sure that your printer is on and connected to LPT1. Unit Placement : Placing units is very critical to your armies success or failure in the coming battle. When placing we have found it best to place slower units (units with lower movement numbers), towards the front lines, leaving the fastest units in the rear. As these units move the faster will overtake the slower by the time the two armies clash. Also when placing leave spaces between every three or four units, so the units in the rear can pass thru the lines when they are up in the initiative order. Always arrange your units so that larger creatures are aided by smaller ones, to create a shielding effect against enemies, you will find that your expensive allies will be around a lot longer this way. When placing the general, wizard, standard bearer, these are all very important units and influence the other troops so it is best to spread them out among the other units for the best effect. Examine the placement of the computers armies in the saved scenarios, you can do this by setting your LOS to All in Pre-Game Menu, or by changing sides once the game has begun. Once you have mastered placement you can really begin to see the full value of your army on the playing field. Placement: Use the mouse on the overview (small map) to select an area, to select the area Right-Click, then move the mouse around then Left-Click to select area. Then move pointer to large tactical map (large map) then Right-Click to select area and Left-Click to place unit. Once placed the next unit purchased will come up in order, the stats are displayed momentarily the stats box displays how many units have been placed and how many remain. To skip ahead use the Next Button or Previous Button, this will allow you to place units in any order. If you place a unit then would like to place something else in the same spot just put the placement box on top of it and place the new unit, the original is put back in the list and the new unit replaces it on the field. If you want to just remove a unit from the field to the list, just place the placement box (yellow box) on it a hit the Delete Key, the unit is returned the placement list. If you would like to change the initial facing of your unit, put the placement box on it and use the keyboards Arrow Keys to rotate the unit any direction. To choose a new map piece to place on, Right-Click , this returns the mouse pointer, then you may select a new area from the overview map (small map), and repeat the Same placement process. Unit Placement / Stats Box : This box is designed to aid you , by displaying each units stats then switching to the list of units to place. Information contained here includes : Armor type, if the unit carries a shield, Type of weapons carried, and if they have a ranged weapon. Unit placement list shows the number of units placed, the number of units to be placed, and buttons to allow you to scroll the list forward or back, and lastly to look again at the units stats. Playing The Game Orders: Advance: Used by ground moving units to move at a normal pace. Used by flyer types to move on the ground. Low fatigue for this movement. Forced March: Used to make ground units cover the most distance, although they cannot attack when this order is selected. Used by flyers to cover the most ground with the use of fast flight movement. Doubles normal movement numbers for all units. High fatigue for this movement. Charge: Used to move fast and to gain a bonus if attacking for ground units Used to move fast and allow attacks for flyers. This will cause flyers to fly for their movement mode. One and one-half times normal movement numbers. Moderate fatigue. Note: If you give a unit charge orders twice in a row, the computer will move the unit for the remainder of the turn. Rest: Used to force the unit to stop and take a break. Only advised to use this order when not endangered of being attacked. Units that rest have their attack values reduced while resting and the same holds true for their defense. This order recovers fatigue and if totally recovered will begin to heal the units wounds. Fall back: Used primarily to get a unit out of hand-to-hand combat. Very high fatigue, each time it is used to move the unit. Delay: Used to force the unit to wait until other units move. Attack: Used to attack in melee or at range an enemy target or terrain space. This can be combined with the charge order as well as the advance order or can be used stand-alone. Note: to target a unit use the mouse to move the target box over the unit or area you wish to target. Left click to attack, Right click to view targets stats. You may also click on the picture of the unit to see a description. If the target is further away than what is displayed in the window, just move the target box to the edge of the view area and the map will scroll. If you decide not to attack press ESC button on the keyboard. Note: Depending on the mode LOS is set to you may see units that you are unable to attack. Clock/Stats: This button switches between the time of day clock and the current units stats. It will stay on whatever setting you select for each unit moved until changed. The clock window can also be clicked on to give the game time in military hours for the time of day. (Ex: 14:00 is 2:00 pm.) Pause: This button will pause the game until you click the mouse or hit a key. Next Unit: This button will end the current units movement and prompt the next unit to move. Note: Do not press this unless the current unit is finished moving. Auto: This feature allows the computer to move the current unit for this turn only. This is very useful during non-critical movement phases to speed up game play. Note: Also see F-Key usages. Movement Arrows: The movement arrows will be displayed when any order is selected that would cause the unit to move. The arrows correspond to the direction that the unit is to move or to turn to. A number is displayed in the middle of the movement arrows that shows the remaining movement points. Left click to select a direction and move. By holding down the mouse button the same order will be repeated, but be careful when moving in this manner. Menu: This selection will return you to the main menu, useful if you wish to save or exit the game. If you save and want to resume the game press the Resume Button. Wizard Spell Casting Box: This appears when the wizards turn starts. It allows you to select a spell to cast rather than move or issue other orders. To cast a spell click on the spell button , your wizards spell list will be displayed. Once you have selected a spell by highlighting it and pressing Cast, you then select a target just like you would for ranged or melee combat. Generals Command Box: This displays the generals Command and Charisma Stats it is positioned in the time box area . The Book Picture: This will be displayed whenever the computer is checking the rules and moving units. F2: Pressing this button during play will tell the computer to take over moving player 1's units until F2 button is pressed again. F3: Pressing this button during play tells the computer to switch to fast mode. while in this mode player 1 will get the message "Please Wait" while his units are moved by the computer. None of player 1's unit will be displayed on the screen when being moved. When the computer sees an enemy unit while moving your units it will prompt you and ask if you would like to take over moving. Note: To enter this mode you must first press F2 to tell the computer to move your units. F4: Same as F2 except applies to player 2. F5: Same as F3 except applies to player 2. Note: F5 requires having pressed F4 for the computer to take over moving units. F8: This will save in the game directory screen shots when pressed. The first will be called "screen00.pcx", and will continue from there. F10: Pressing this during play will end the current game and determine the winner. Note: Results of this action are final. Any Custom armies will be modified accordingly. Help Menu F1: Pressing this key will load the built-in help menu. This menu can be activated anywhere in the program. While in help you can search key-words that can help you in any area of the game. Press F1 again and help will be deactivated and game play will continue. Search: Enter key-word Arrows: To scroll up or down. View: All info on highlighted word is displayed. Custom Army This feature is only available in registered version. Custom Army Selection allows the player to build a army that can be used against other players as well as in the Campaign game. Your army will start out small and with your victories and loses will grow or be destroyed. Campaign: The Campaign includes a series of battles that can be played in any order. This allows your army to move to any territory and attack at will. But be prepared to defend your own lands from nearby enemies who would like to have what you have. After each battle your army will receive replacements from the defeated army, and suffer the loses taken on the battle field. Become the smart general know when to fight and when to run. Note: The F10 key can be your friend in battles where your loses are mounting. This feature is only available in the registered version. Battle Theory Buying and Placing Units: When purchasing units by them in the order you wish to place them on the field. This makes placement go much quicker. When placing units put faster units behind slower units, this will allow the slower units to reach to battle shortly after the faster ones get there. Also when placing units leave spaces for units in the rear to get thru the battle lines during their movement. A good rule of thumb is one space every three squares. Computer Movement: The computer moves each unit based on what the unit actually sees. The computer always uses LOS based on the normal setting in the Pre-Game. When moving the computer uses it units to support each other. It will seek out your units and then commence to close with them using it's own forces at range when possible, or close in when needed. Air unit act as scouts, and in some cases as pre-preempted strike units. Always watch out for ambushes as the computer moves to encircle your forces. Terrain also plays a large factor in the computers course of action. It will always look for an easy way to move units thru rough terrain. This is only disregarded when it is in the act of charging. Cautious advances are safe advances, looking left and right to see if any units have gotten past is a good tactic. Never assume you are alone in any given area. Unit Conditions: The physical and mental condition of a unit is always a major factor in how that unit will preform on the field. If a unit is fatigued it's attack and defense numbers will fall and if forced to move forward or fight will in turn influence the units morale rating. The key to a good fighting unit is not to push them to hard, allow them to rest now and then. Human Control: While you move your units against the computer or another player, remember to scroll around to see what the moving unit can see. If playing against a remote player over the modem, always remember players have the option of turning on computer control of their units with the F keys. Never assume that once you see the opposing General stand that it will be easy to get to or destroy, these units are usually well protected. Use fast moving units to scout for your army but don't let them get too separated form the main army. Separated units many time become easy pickings for the enemy. When purchasing units don't be tempted to buy all heavy units. An army without light support will become quickly overwhelmed. If you loose your standard bearer another unit can pick it up, just position them next to the spot where the standard has fallen. Campaigns: Campaign games are for the experienced commander whom is ready to conquer the world. In the campaign you start with a small army of units you hand select. As time goes on and thru victories and loses, your army will grow or shrink in size. New units will come from those recruited from the battlefield. Remember not to destroy all the most powerful creatures on your opponents side or they won't be there as possible allies for your army. In the campaign terrain will trade hands many times in the ultimate struggle to become ruler of the know lands. Careful advances is the way to winning, it's the foolhardy commander how drives his army too fast that fades from memory all too quickly. Campaigns allows your custom army to fight in other battles away from the lands listed, and play against other players that may wish to gain a few more allies by defeating you. Remember that any battle involving a custom army will end with that custom army be modified by the results. Custom Army Improvements: With the capture of survivors of any battle if you are victorious, new troops may be willing to join your cause. Also your wizard may acquire new spells to cast and your general may become a better leader. Individual units will improve with each battle they survive, with their abilities going up as well as their skill level. LOS: Line of sight is very important to you and your units. Units can only attack what they see. Remember in Normal mode you will see what they see. In friendly mode you see all your units but the current unit moving can still only see what is in his line of sight. When All mode is selected, you will see every unit move friend or foe, this mode is useful for beginners or for understanding why the computer chooses it's own moves as it does. Note: When the computer moves any unit it always uses what would be Normal mode to determine it's actions. Attacking: Attacking and when to attack becomes an art unto itself. You must gage how far it is to the enemy when preparing to charge. To be able to attack you must still have movement remaining when you get there. If an enemy looks to tough it may be best to put some expendable units up against it to slow it down. Ranged attacks can be a footmens best support. Remember areas as well as units may be targeted. Victory, How to Win: Winning the game is a delicate balance, learning when to run and when to stand and fight can only come with practice. But some simple things to remember; 1) Never expose your key units like the wizard or the general unless the situation really calls for it. 2) Never push your units until the are totally exhausted, you run the risk that they will take damage, or possibly flee the battle. 3) Concentrate your forces on destroying key units of the enemy to force a victory. 4) Remember, victory is achieved by forcing the enemy to take loses with point totals that equal the setting selected in the pre-game menu. (ex: 50 % of original starting points). 5) Never underestimate your opponent, he may still have a trick or two up his sleeve, or a really good round that can totally change the battle out come (It's never over until it's over). 6) Develop a battle strategy early, and stick to it. It takes to long to make major changes when the game is underway. If you find that your strategy is failing, it's the smart commander who runs away to fight another day. 7) Placement can be the most important part of the entire battle. Choose carefully success could be in the hands of one or two key units placed in the right place. 8) Experiment with different armies and unit types unit you find the ones that best suit your style of combat. 9) Watch a few games with the computer moving units, with LOS set to All. This is the best way to see how the computer moves and how to optimize your units strengths and exploit your opponents weakness. 10) If your not sure what something does, press F1 and take a look in help. 11) Charge when able to engage an enemy it causes more damage. 12) Flank and rear attack also cause more damage to the exposed enemy. Surrender: In any game if losing to badly to the enemy cut your loses and run! This can be done by exiting of the starting edge of the battlefield, or by ending the game with the F10 key. Important Units: Standard Bearer: This unit carries your armies standard into battle. This will inspire your units to fight harder. Any unit within it's range will have it's attack value raised. This will be represented by his attack value number turning green and changed to the higher value. If the satandard bearer is killed, any unit from the primary army may pick it up as long as they end the turn next to the spot where it has fallen. General: This is the most important unit in your army. If he is destroyed, you will lose the battle, and if your playing with a customized army and your general dies the army will disband and you'll have to start again. The general is the rally point for your troops, and can exert his will to make the army fight for him and in many cases fight with increased abilities if he is nearby. Wizard: The caster of spell, healer and destroyer. This unit can become very powerful, and very costly. Magic can alter the events and outcome of the battle in many ways. Be careful when selecting spells, some may seem to be of little use, but when wielded correctly can be devastating to an opponent. The effects of magic good or bad can be seen in the targets stats. Good effects that add to an stat are reflected by green numbers. Bad effects that reduce a stat are reflected by Red numbers. Siege Weapons: These are slow large weapons of mass destruction. Generally used to support your army. These units should have additional forces left behind to offer them protection. Large Expensive Creatures: The behemoths look and are very powerful, but don't be fooled. They like any other unit, still need support of other units. If isolated even the largest can be quickly overwhelmed. After Battle Review: When the battle is over you can look at any remaining units still on the field. The win or lose animations will run then the battlefield will be displayed. Use the mouse to select an area to view, left-click to select. Move the cursor over a unit and left-click to view the units stats. Right-click to select a new area. When finished viewing all units right-click again and the Main menu will be displayed. Note: The charts will now have the final battle info to display. How to Order: To register your copy of Fallen Heroes, Send a check or money order for the amount of $33.00 US to: Mike Weiser P.O. Box 47656 Phoenix, Az. 85068 Please allow up to 4 weeks for shipping. Note: If you register by money order, you will receive a special version containing 2 additional dragons for use in the game. Any Questions E-mail us at: a-benter@primenet.com or visit or page at: http://www.primenet.com/~a-benter